Mestna občina Ljubljana
Municipality of Ljubljana
Mestni trg 1
SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 / 1 306 1000

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and MEDIA Programmes)", "European Capital of Culture 2025 in Slovenia", "Funding", "Funding, professional and support services", "Literature funding", "Literature funding, professional and support services", "Municipal funding", "Municipalities", "Museum funding", "Museum funding, professional and support services", "Music funding", "Music funding, professional and support services", "New media art funding", "New media art funding, professional and support services", "Public entities", "Theatre funding", "Theatre funding, professional and support services", "Urban municipalities", "Visual arts funding", "World Book Capital Ljubljana 2010" ], "csi:Logo_url": [ "http://www.culture.si/images/b/b0/Grb-SI-1000.svg" ], "csi:TownName": [ "Ljubljana" ], "csi:Has_query": [ "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Municipality_of_Ljubljana-23_QUERY04cd4d38fc8274f14b3f9ba33850eb3b", "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Municipality_of_Ljubljana-23_QUERY43e04c3759bdf78e33ad80c4b7505865" ], "csi:TeaserImg": [ "File:Ljubljana Castle 2008 aerial shot Photo Arne Hodalic.jpg" ], "foaf:homepage": [ "http://www.ljubljana.si/" ], "csi:TeaserText": [ "Municipality of Ljubljana covers a total area of 275 square kilometres and has a population of 264,269 people (2002) living in 38 settlements." ], "dc:description": [ "[[Municipality of Ljubljana]] covers a total area of 275 square kilometres and has a population of 264,269 people (2002) living in 38 settlements." ], "vcard:latitude": [ "46.059" ], "vcard:locality": [ "SI-1000 Ljubljana" ], "csi:Revision_ID": 309100, "vcard:longitude": [ "14.509" ], "csi:Category_slo": [ "EU Financiranje", "Financiranje", "Občine", "Javne entitete", "Mestne občine" ], "csi:Page_creator": [ "User:Editor" ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": [ "//www.culture.si/en/Special:ExportRDF/Municipality_of_Ljubljana" ], "csi:TeaserImg_url": [ "http://www.culture.si/images/6/69/Ljubljana_Castle_2008_aerial_shot_Photo_Arne_Hodalic.jpg" ], "vcard:postal-code": [ "SI-1000" ], "csi:Youtube_account": [ "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB5IGQKF9vlgf8Pdb4fzPiA" ], "swivt:wikiNamespace": [ "0" ], "csi:Facebook_account": [ "https://www.facebook.com/MOLjubljana" ], "vcard:street-address": [ "Mestni trg 1" ], "csi:Instagram_account": [ "https://www.instagram.com/mestnaobcinaljubljana/" ], "swivt:wikiPageSortKey": [ "Municipality of Ljubljana" ], "csi:Related_localnames": [ "Bobri", "Center kulture Španski borci", "Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška", "Festival Ljubljana", "Galerija Cukrarna", "Galerija Jakopič", "Galerija Kresija", "Glasbena šola Ljubljana Vič-Rudnik", "Hostel Celica", "Javni zavod Kinodvor", "Javni zavod Mladi zmaji", "Kulturni center Tobačna 001", "Ljubljana v Mreži mest zatočišč preganjanih pisateljev ICORN", "Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana", "Mednarodni grafični likovni center", "Mestna galerija Ljubljana", "Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana", "Mestni muzej Ljubljana", "Mestno gledališče ljubljansko (MGL)", "Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljana (MGML)", "Palača Cukrarna", "Pionirski dom - Center za kulturo mladih", "Plečnikova hiša", "Plečnikova zbirka", "Razstavni prostori v Mestni hiši", "Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) ljubljanske urbane regije", "RogLab", "Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana", "Športni park Stožice", "Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana (SMEEL)", "Župančičeve nagrade mesta Ljubljana" ], "csi:Number_of_revisions": [ "20.0" ], "csi:Modification_date-23aux": [ "2.45927e+06" ], "swivt:wikiPageContentLanguage": [ "en" ], "swivt:wikiPageModificationDate": [ "2021-03-01T02:57:34Z" ] }